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SAIC MG RX5 Dlo Komisyon Konsèy 10260817

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Pwodwi Enfòmasyon

Pwodwi Non Tablo dlo
Pwodwi aplikasyon Saic mg rx5
Pwodwi OEM Non 10260817
Org nan plas Te fè nan Lachin
Make Cssot/rmoem/org/kopi
Tan plon Stock, si mwens 20 pcs, nòmal yon mwa
Peman TT Depo
Mak konpayi CSSOT
Sistèm aplikasyon an esteryè


Pwodwi Konesans

Ki jan gwo twou san fon se veyikil la patojwa? Ki jan gwo twou san fon ka dlo jwenn nan?

Lè pwofondè dlo a se yon tyè nan wotè nan kawotchou a, ou ka rès asire nan pwofondè dlo a se plis pase mwatye wotè nan kawotchou a, li nesesè dwe fè atansyon, paske sitiyasyon sa a se fasil lakòz dlo nan machin nan. Si pwofondè nan patojwa depase eksepsyonèl la, kondwi yo ta dwe vijilan pou fè pou evite dlo motè. If the engine water, do not start again, otherwise it will hurt the car very much.If there is a car on the opposite side of the wading, we must pay attention to the height of the water in front of his head, if the water is too high, at this time we need to accelerate properly, the reason is that we can use the water generated by the wave impact to alleviate the wave to the vehicle, we must pay attention to this situation do not panic, not to step on the brake!In the process of driving, Gen presyon andedan bwat la, se konsa nan sikonstans nòmal, patojwa, bwat la pa pral dlo. Men, si se veyikil la benyen nan dlo pou yon tan long apre etenn, li nesesè yo tcheke si se lwil la transmisyon deteryore ak inonde.

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Bon pye

6F6013A54BC1F24D01DA4651C79CC86 46f67bbd3c438d9dcb1df8f5c5b5b5b 95C77EDAA4A52476586C27E842584CB 78954A5A83D04D1EB5BCDD8FE0EFF3C

Pwodwi Katalòg

rx5_ 页面 _01
rx5_ 页面 _02
rx5_ 页面 _03
rx5_ 页面 _04
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rx5_ 页面 _06
rx5_ 页面 _07
rx5_ 页面 _08
rx5_ 页面 _09
rx5_ 页面 _10
rx5_ 页面 _11
rx5_ 页面 _12

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